popularapp Redirects Google to Bing | How to Solve it

popularapp is a new browser hijacker virus useds to take over computer users’ internet browsers. Usually, Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and IE are targets. Once it gets inside your computer, popularapp modifies DNS and browser settings without your permission. You will see that both your homepage or default search engine are changed to the…

Herofherlittl.com Virus Removal Instructions

Herofherlittl.com is an untrustworthy website which brings much inconvenience to user’s online activities. Righter after the penetration, Herofherlittl.com will start modifying browser settings, taking chance to pop up onto new tab to deliver bogus information to trick innocent user into downloading harmful malware into machine unconsciously. Under no circumstance should user trust Herofherlittl.com and do…


Remove wow.cavernexplorer.top Fake Notifications

wow.cavernexplorer.top Description wow.cavernexplorer.top is classified as a severe browser hijacker virus. Although it mainly attacks internet browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, IE and Microsoft Edge, this does not mean that the virus does not do other bad things on your computer. Apart from hijacking your web browsers and displaying tons of Fake pop up…

Remove Gretorsely.com Fake Push Notifications

Information About Gretorsely.com Gretorsely.com is a malicious website which displays annoying popups within your web browsers. It constantly pops up in new tabs and interferes with users’ browsing experience, thus it is classified as a vicious browser hijacker virus. Although Gretorsely.com virus mainly attacks Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and other common-used browsers,…

How to Block Play.copperblade.top Phishing Ads? [Removal Guide]

What is Play.copperblade.top? Play.copperblade.top is a shady website which bother you very much by displaying spam popup ads on your computer. It has the ability to compromise many browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Play.copperblade.top will hijacks your homepage and redirect you to clickable ads. This malware has been designed…


Apps 3.3 Extension Hijacks Chrome | How to Remove Apps 3.3

What is Apps 3.3? Apps 3.3 extension is classified as an PUP \ Adware which keeps redirecting Google to unwanted websites s. Apps 3.3 can sneak into your system when you run installer of free apps, visit some unlawful websites, or open unsafe files of spam emails. Once your computer infected with Apps 3.3, it…