(Solved!) How to Remove News-heboca.cc Browser Notifications?

What is News-heboca.cc? News-heboca.cc actually is a phishing website related with Adware and PUP (potential unwanted program), which is able to do a larger amount of trouble things on your computer. Generally, this virus can spread via malicious websites or junk email messages. Apart from that, it also can be distribute through free applications, or…

(Solved!) How to Remove webpushtech.com Fake Notifications?

webpushtech.com webpushtech.com is a typical browser hijack virus which aims to help its authors earn money by increasing the traffic of some specific websites and promoting commercial products. webpushtech.com virus usually lurks in bad torrents and free applications that you download from the internet. Once it is successfully installed, it will cause a lot of…

(Solved!) How to Remove TradeValor app from Mac?

TradeValor is deemed as an irritating adware which accesses into computer surreptitiously without gaining authorization. For most of the cases, TradeValor is found to appear on computer right after the installing of free sharing program. If user does not deselect additional bundle, TradeValor can be installed into computer easily. Also, spam email attachment, game, poorly-built…

Remove .corona File Virus (coronaviryz@gmail.com Ransomware)

What .corona File Virus Causes? .corona File Virus is a new ransomware mainly activated by codes attached on spam emails. In case you open the ZIP attachment from a fake or spam email disguises as normal email, .corona File Virus immediately invades your computer and encrypt your files within a few seconds. .corona File Virus…

Remove GAINFULLSURVEY.SITE Web Browser Notifications

GAINFULLSURVEY.SITE Description GAINFULLSURVEY.SITE is a fishing website designed by hackers to trick gullible computer users into buying fake products and services. In most cases, GAINFULLSURVEY.SITE virus lurks in free applications and spam email attachments. Sometimes it can also come bundled with Trojan infections. To avoid being infected by such computer threats, you have to pay…

Remove vasstycom.com Web Browser Notifications

vasstycom.com Description vasstycom.com is classified as a vicious browser hijacker virus. Not only may it take control of your internet browsers, but also it may carry out many other harmful things on your computer system. You may find that the default homepage and new tab page of your Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Microsoft…

Remove DHLVIDEO.RU Web Browser Notifications

DHLVIDEO.RU Description DHLVIDEO.RU is an unsafe domain which hijacks your internet browsers and causes redirect problems. Sometimes it can corrupt your routine applications or download other malware infections onto your compromised system without your permission. You must take actions to get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise, it will even steal your vital…

Remove TOTAL-COMMANDER.SITE Web Browser Notifications

What Is TOTAL-COMMANDER.SITE? TOTAL-COMMANDER.SITE is a very nasty and stubborn browser infection. As soon as TOTAL-COMMANDER.SITE virus gets inside your system, it starts doing a series of harmful things, which will cause a lot of trouble for you. For examples, TOTAL-COMMANDER.SITE tampers with your browser settings, host file, DNS and Windows registry, as a result,…

Remove Weakeland.com Web Browser Notifications

Weakeland.com Description Weakeland.com is a dangerous computer infection which hijacks your internet browsers. Generally speaking, Weakeland.com is distributed by means of spam links and cost-free programs. Once it infiltrates into your system, it immediately changes the default settings of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge and other web browser. As a result, every time you access…