Remove LockBit 4.0 Ransomware + Decrypt Files (2024 Update)

Understanding LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

LockBit 4.0 Ransomware
ransom note from LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

LockBit 4.0 Ransomware has recently gained notoriety as numerous reports have surfaced of it suddenly encrypting files on users’ systems. If you find yourself a victim of this malware, this guide offers detailed insights into the ransomware and practical steps to mitigate its effects.

What is LockBit 4.0 Ransomware?

Classified as a data encryption trojan, LockBit 4.0 Ransomware is designed to extort money from users by locking access to their files. The hackers behind this ransomware cast a wide net, aiming to infect as many computers as possible. It targets all file types, encrypting them and then leaving ransom notes within each directory. These notes serve to inform victims of the situation and coerce them into purchasing a decryption key.

Agansit Ransom Payment

Victims are often forced into a corner, feeling that payment is the only way out, especially when security applications are disabled by the ransomware. The payment process involves buying bitcoins, a digital currency, through specific websites that not only facilitate anonymous transactions but also expose users to potential data theft by hackers.

A Better Solution

Purchasing the decryption key from cybercriminals is not advised. Instead, the recommended course of action is to seek assistance from a legitimate data recovery company. These organizations have the expertise to help recover encrypted data without funding the malicious activities of hackers.


Dealing with LockBit 4.0 Ransomware can be daunting, but succumbing to the demands of hackers is not the solution. Seeking professional help can provide a safer and more effective way to recover your data.

Threat Analysis

Category Ransomware, a.k.a Cryptoviral Extortion
Identifiable Signs Manifestation of inaccessible files paired with extortion demands for decryption in a digital ransom note.
Demand for Ransom $1000 in Bitcoin
Modified File Suffixes .xa1Xx3AXs
Hacker’s Email
Transmission Methods Leverages spear-phishing, security flaw exploitation, rogue advertising, and unsafe web downloads for distribution.
Cryptography Techniques Utilizes complex ciphers like RSA, AES to securely lock data, often generating unique cryptographic keys for each case.
Affected Systems Targets predominantly Windows environments but also affects Mac, Linux, and mobile ecosystems.
Ramifications Results in the loss of critical data, financial burdens through ransom, and possible public exposure of confidential information.
Defensive Actions Advises the adoption of strict backup protocols, updating security measures promptly, and fostering security-conscious behavior among network users.
Files Restore Tips Recommends the pursuit of available decryption solutions, professional cybersecurity assistance, and generally discourages succumbing to payment demands.
Remove All Infections First! Before you start recovering your files, make sure your computer is virus-free to prevent any future infections. We recommend using SpyHunter Anti-malware for a thorough check to ensure your device is completely clean:

Download SpyHunter For Windows (Free Trial)

Download SpyHunter For Mac (Free Trial)

 *OFFER The SpyHunter Trial version includes, for one device, a one-time 7-day Trial period for SpyHunter 5 Pro (Windows) or SpyHunter for Mac. Check Terms & Conditions of SpyHunter Free Trial , EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.


How to Remove LockBit 4.0 Ransomware and Decrypt Infected Files?

Step 1. End malicious process run by Ransomware and related malware.

1. Hit Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys at the same time to open Windows Task Manager:

get rid of LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

2. Find malicious process related with ransomware or malware, and then right-click on it and click End Process or End Task.

get rid of LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

Step 2. Uninstall malicious programs associated with LockBit 4.0 Ransomware.

Press “Win + R ” keys together to open the Run screen;

uninstall LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

Type control panel in the Run window and click OK button;

uninstall LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

In Control Panel, click Uninstall a program under Programs;

uninstall LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

Look for malicious app related with ransomware; Right-click on the malicious program and click Uninstall.

uninstall LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

Many malware may re-install themselves multiple times if you don’t delete thier core files. To get rid of LockBit 4.0 Ransomware completely, we recommend downloading SpyHunter Aniti-malware to scan entire system and delete all malicious files.

Download SpyHunter For Windows (Free Trial)

*OFFER The SpyHunter Trial version includes, for one device, a one-time 7-day Trial period for SpyHunter 5 Pro (Windows) or SpyHunter for Mac. Check Terms & Conditions of SpyHunter Free Trial , EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

Step 3. Remove malicious files created by LockBit 4.0 Ransomware or related malware.

1. Hit Windows + R keys at the same time to open Run window and input a regedit and click OK:

uninstall LockBit 4.0 Ransomware

delete LockBit 4.0 Ransomware malicious files

2. In the Registry Editor, hit Windows key + F key together to open Find window → Enter virus  name → Press Enter key to start search.

delete LockBit 4.0 Ransomware malicious files

3. When the search is completed, right click the folders related with ransomare and click Delete button:

Please Read This Before You Remove Registry Files

PLEASE Be Carefully, Do Not Delete Healthy Registry Entries, Or Your Computer May Be Damaged.

If you are not able to determine which regsitry files are malicious, we recommend downloading SpyHunter Anti-malware to scan entire system and find out all malicious files. It can avoid mistakes and may reduce the cleanup time from hours to minutes.

Download SpyHunter For Windows (Free Trial)

*OFFER The SpyHunter Trial version includes, for one device, a one-time 7-day Trial period for SpyHunter 5 Pro (Windows) or SpyHunter for Mac. Check Terms & Conditions of SpyHunter Free Trial , EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

delete LockBit 4.0 Ransomware malicious files

Step 4. Use SpyHunter Antimalware to Re-check entire PC and Fix All Security Issues:

Download SpyHunter For Windows (Free Trial)

*OFFER The SpyHunter Trial version includes, for one device, a one-time 7-day Trial period for SpyHunter 5 Pro (Windows) or SpyHunter for Mac. Check Terms & Conditions of SpyHunter Free Trial , EULA and Privacy/Cookie Policy.

– Double-click SpyHunter-Installer.exe to install it:

LockBit 4.0 Ransomware removal tool

– Then run a scan to find out all malicious items and then fix all security problems.

remove LockBit 4.0 Ransomware with ease

Step 4. Search For Legitimate Files Decryption Tools.

1. Search Decryption Keys on, which provide users with Free Ransomware Decryption Tools.

Here is the page you can get decrypotion tools:

LockBit 4.0 Ransomware decryption

2. Search Decryption Keys on The No More Ransom Project.

Here is the link:

decrypt LockBit 4.0 Ransomware files

Key Strategies For Securing Computer from Ransomware

  1. Regular Software Updates: Keep software and operating systems updated to fix vulnerabilities.
  2. Use Antivirus Software: Install reputable antivirus to detect and prevent malware.
  3. Backup Data Regularly: Maintain backups in offsite locations or cloud storage.
  4. Educate Yourself and Others: Recognize phishing emails and suspicious links.
  5. Enable Firewall: Block malicious traffic with a firewall.
  6. Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Implement strong passwords, consider a password manager.
  7. Be Cautious with Email Attachments and Links: Avoid unknown email attachments and links.
  8. Limit User Privileges: Use the least privilege necessary for tasks.
  9. Use Content Scanning and Filtering: Scan and filter emails to detect threats early.
  10. Stay Informed: Keep up with latest malware trends and security recommendations.

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